Lead Paint Law Changes in Massachusetts

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Lead paint is still a present danger to children under 6 in the United States. Most households built prior to 1978 contained lead paint. As lead paint ages, it naturally crumbles and chips off of walls. Exposure to lead paint can cause serious health implications for children under 6 and pregnant women. Because of this, the Federal CDC and the Department of Health in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have laws surrounding lead poisoning prevention and control.

As of December 1st, 2017, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts implemented new lead regulation laws. Here are two of the main new regulations that you should be aware of as owners, landlords, or renters.

1)  The state will change the blood level limit for children from what was 25 micrograms per deciliter to a more stringent level of 10.  Now, lower levels of lead traced in pediatric testing will exceed the acceptable level of safety.

2) The abatement standards are less stringent for homeowners, which could cost almost 40% less to obtain compliance.  Prior standards required deleading from intact areas but now, if certain areas are intact and are unreachable by children they can remain untouched and still be considered compliant.

These lead law changes are ultimately put forth with the intention of making homes safer for residents.  Children with traces of lead at much lower levels than before will trigger action from the state, but homes are more likely to be tested and compliant because the regulations now make the process less expensive for homeowners than before.

** PLEASE NOTE** We are NOT lead law experts.  If you have any questions or concerns about Lead Paint, contact a professional or visit this site for more information.
